Category Archive: general

MAD 2: finding the deliciousness of insects

MAD 2: finding the deliciousness of insects

Towards the end of June, work at the lab slowed as we donned our boots and headed out to the rain-soaked fields at Refshaleøen. The …




  These past few weeks have seen a lot of changes: interns have come and gone (more on their projects soon), MAD Symposium brought all sorts …


Expanding the crew

Expanding the crew

Mark Emil Hermansen is our new man on boat. Here he is caught fishing for amphipod crustaceans (seaweed fleas) on a misty day in a …


seaweeds for umami flavor in the new nordic cuisine

seaweeds for umami flavor in the new nordic cuisine

This is a copy of the Nordic Food Lab’s first scientific article, accepted in the fantastic publication, Flavour Journal (  Take a look at the …


Lactic Fermentation

Lactic Fermentation

“Desert without cheese is like a pretty girl with only one eye” Jean Anthleme Brillat Savarin (1825) Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermentation (F) plays a major part …


Experimental Balsamic

Experimental Balsamic

The generally recognized method for making balsamic vinegar (BV) is based on a letter written in 1860 (Saccani, 1998). The most important production of balsamic …


Vinegar: From the Orleans Method to Food Lab Experiments

Vinegar: From the Orleans Method to Food Lab Experiments

The Orleans Method The most famous slow method of vinegar production is the old French technique, known as the Orleans method. In the Orleans method barrels …


Acetic Fermentation – Vinegar

Acetic Fermentation – Vinegar

The principle result of acetous fermentation is vinegar. Vinegar, frequently considered a poor cousin in the realm of fermented foods can, when made with the …


An Ode to Alcohol

An Ode to Alcohol

Around 800 species of yeast have been described by science (Boekout and Samson), this is thought to be a tiny fraction of the total number …


Fermentation : Traditional Biotechnology

Fermentation : Traditional Biotechnology

The world of microorganisms is vast and, relative to other areas of biology, poorly understood at a scientific level. Through millennia of experimenting humans have …